Limewashing & Limestone Walls


Limestone embodies our heritage. We help you protect it.

Limewashing is a traditional technique of architecture preservation that involves applying a mixture of hydrated lime, water, and pigments to building surfaces.

We also design and construct limestone walls with standard limestone blocks for properties in Perth, or we can create rubble walls – made of an assortment of naturally shaped stones to create a unique and characterful wall.

If you are looking for limestone wall repairs see our Limestone Restoration page.

Limestone wasll at Fremantle Prison after limestone restoration and limewashing

Why use traditional limewashing?

about limewashing

More and more these days, people are finding that the old ways of doing things are often the best ways.

Traditional limewashing is not only historically accurate in terms of process and aesthetic, it is more protective of the porous stone underneath then modern, commercially-made limewashes or other surface treatments, and the main reason for this is breathability.

How does limewashing preserve buildings?

Breathability: One of the key benefits of limewashing is that it allows the building's walls to breathe. Unlike many modern paints and coatings, which can trap moisture and lead to damage over time, limewash is breathable. This means it allows moisture to evaporate from the underlying masonry, preventing issues like trapped moisture, mould, and decay.

Protection: Limewash provides a protective barrier against weathering and the elements. It can help shield historic buildings from wind, rain, and UV radiation, which can cause deterioration of building materials over time.

For an even more eco-friendly option, using reconstituted limestone is a great option, especially for retaining walls. Made from crushed and broken stones - the leftover pieces from the quarrying process that might otherwise go to waste.

Is limewashing sustainable?

Limewashing is an environmentally friendly option for preserving historic structures. It is made from natural materials and has a lower environmental impact compared to some modern paint products that contain synthetic chemicals.

Limewash is a reversible finish, meaning it can be removed without causing significant damage to the underlying masonry. This is important for heritage preservation because it allows for future restoration efforts and alterations while preserving the building's historical integrity.

What types of limestone walls are there?

about limestone walls

Limestone block walls: Limestone blocks come in a variety of finishes that vary from the highly textured, high relief ‘rock face’ finish, to the less-textured ‘smooth face’ finish.

Limestone rubble walls: A truly heritage building technique, rubble limestone walls utilise uncut stones. The natural variation in size and shape means every rubble wall is completely unique.

Detail photo of a restored limestone block wall with tuckpointing lines

Block limestone walls sport clean lines

Detail photo of a limestone rubble wall

Rubble limestone walls have a rugged, natural look

What are the advantages of limestone walls?

The look: Aesthetically, the warmth and texture of limestone is beautiful, and the colour and character are unique to the area it is quarried.

They’re sustainable: Many of Perth’s great heritage buildings were made of limestone for good reason - it is a naturally occurring building material readily available in Western Australia and requires no processing. It is simply cut and transported ready to use straight from the quarry. And with a little care, limestone will last a lifetime.

For an even more eco-friendly option, using reconstituted limestone is a great option, especially for retaining walls. Made from crushed and broken stones - the leftover pieces from the quarrying process that might otherwise go to waste.

How much do limestone walls cost?

When quoting our work, it comes as a surprise to many that limestone can be a very economical building material. The cost of limestone is generally comparable to the cost of clay bricks and other lightweight building materials.

Every project is unique - to discuss yours and for an obligation-free quote, get in touch with us.

limewashng & limestone walls photo gallery

Hear from some of our restoration clients


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We believe our brick tuckpointing is second to none in Perth. If you are after quality craftsmanship and personal service call, text, or email us for an obligation-free quote, or to talk about your project.